How To Install A Catalytic Converter Without Welding
Metro 2033 Keygen Generator Renee. Installing a Catalytic Converter. Popular Searches. If you do, you've basically got two options: bolt on or weld-on. Either option will complement your Magnaflow mufflers and help boost your overall exhaust system performance. But for installation purposes, if you don't know how to handle a welding torch, bolt on is the better.
I have a 1989 Chevrolet S10 4x4 that has a strightpipe welded in where the converter used to be. But I need to pass the Atlanta emissions test. I have no experience welding and am trying to aviod paying for it. If I took a hacksaw and removed that section of pipe is there any way that I could install a catlytic. I have a 1989 Chevrolet S10 4x4 that has a strightpipe welded in where the converter used to be. But I need to pass the Atlanta emissions test. I have no experience welding and am trying to aviod paying for it.
Hp Pavilion Dv6 Graphics Driver For Windows 7 64 Bit. If I took a hacksaw and removed that section of pipe is there any way that I could install a catlytic converter without welding and pass? You could try putting what i call a coupler on the piece you cut and use muffler clamps to hold it in place and to put muffler sealant on it but do it where it looks almost professional if you can just sit back and think can i do it this way or should I get it done by a mechanic,If u can afford to let a mechanic do it than let them instead of taking chances or ask ur friends and ur friends friends for ideas someone may even know how to do it and not charge u alot or nothing u never know until u take that first step.
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