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Black Butte Ranch shaping up early Sure, is open far earlier than anyone could expect. But what kind of shape is the course actually in after so many long winter months?

As it turns out, Big Meadow is looking pretty good for being so early in the season. Credit an unseasonably warm, dry stretch that hit Central Oregon in January and February for setting a stage that already has Big Meadow showing its greener side. Good news for golfers beyond just an early opening. Black Butte Ranch’s maintenance staff, led by head superintendent Phil Lagao, has already begun the work of getting Big Meadow and in peak shape weeks ahead of what would be considered normal.

“If the warm weather sticks like it has, we should be well ahead of schedule,” Lagao says. 7 Days To Die Crack Скачать on this page. With the green of the turf beginning to show, Black Butte Ranch’s award-winning superintendent is liking what he sees. Both courses came through the colder months void of any ice damage on the greens. And the courses are strewn with less winter debris than is typical, Lagao says.

The turf at Big Meadow will even start to get some water soon as the staff prepares to crank up the course’s irrigation system. Lagao is as surprised as anybody to be so far ahead of schedule. For weeks he expected a significant snowstorm to blanket the golf courses with the white stuff, something that seems to be a February ritual around these parts. But the snow never really came. Now instead of waiting out the end of winter, Lagao is going about the business of ramping up his seasonal staff, which should help the crew clean up the tree branches and pine needles that have gathered over the winter months. Lagao describes the early start to the season as “unchartered territory for us.” Regardless, Lagao obviously welcomes such a start. “This time of year I would rather be busy sweeping and mowing versus shoveling snow and ice, that’s for sure,” Lagao says with a laugh.

As an experienced superintendent, he knows well that the weather in Central Oregon could yet still a curve ball. But right now it’s mostly sunshine on the horizon. That can only mean one thing: “As of right now we’re moving forward with the golf season,” Lagao declares. Be Your Own Windkeeper Book Pdf. Sounds like sage advice for all of us. This weekend the public can play all 18 holes at Big Meadow for a mere $25, while Black Butte Ranch homeowners pay just $20. Nine holes can be played for $15.

To book a tee time call 855-210-5305 or the Golf Shop at 541-595-1545. Posted by Beatriz on Jun 27th, 2015 To YC:谢谢~ 加油哈!我会经常逛你的blog~To Li:你一口气写了好多东西啊,慢慢来,一条一条回先>come on!这怎么是西部轮回呢?是东部啊!Western Hemisphere.>btw你要去纽约!记住:1.empire building--sunset!!!! Hav to go there!!! Sit there until the moon take the place of the sun!!! Eeipcsally find 5th St.

Take a seat which is facing 5th St.!!! I promise you it will be AWESOME!!!谢谢~ 在Newark已经欣赏了曼哈顿的日落,我要在NYC呆3天(过境不算),应该会找到机会的~ 不过最近天气不太好。>3.dunt walk at night alone there!its dangerous.差点看成你建议我在那里walk alone了.

嗯已经有无数人提醒我这一点了,不过据说NYC还是比较安全的,我要去的其他地方都更危险。anyway,我会很小心的。(还是GZ好啊,呵呵)>4.大都会博物馆!必须要去!Sure!>6.哥伦比亚大学!!一定要帮我拍相片啊!!That's at Washington?>7.记得帮我拍、times Sq的夜景!!之前我去没拍好,气死我了!!!我就带了部手机,OK?不过我一定会去的~>9.还有呢,central park里面很大,我担心你会迷路,反正我是没去。我就住在Central Park旁边,第103街。>他会告诉你几时要集合的。我从来都是独来独往. 不过在NYC要见几个朋友,不知道他们有没有兴趣带我转转,哈哈。如果你自己逛这么多个地方。。有点辛苦。。因为你还要订船票去看自由女神像。之类之类的。时间很难把握,尤其你没有车做交通工具。做公共交通工具不怎么方便。>Oh well,我最讨厌听到public transit不方便这样的话了.

Posted by Vencislav on Jun 27th, 2015 come on!这怎么是西部轮回呢?是东部啊!btw你要去纽约!记住:1.empire building--sunset!!!! Hav to go there!!! Sit there until the moon take the place of the sun!!! Epliceasly find 5th St. Take a seat which is facing 5th St.!!! I promise you it will be AWESOME!!! in soho.3.dunt walk at night alone there!its dangerous.4.大都会博物馆!必须要去!5.upper east side!!!6.哥伦比亚大学!!一定要帮我拍相片啊!!7.记得帮我拍、times Sq的夜景!!之前我去没拍好,气死我了!!!8.一定要去Wall St的Triump Center(特普朗大厦),里面都是金碧辉煌,很漂亮的!9.还有呢,central park里面很大,我担心你会迷路,反正我是没去。我在大都会博物馆度过了大半天。大都会博物馆天台的展览品,每年都换的。记得要去看!I miss you!!!!!good luck!!!!nice trip!!!!I love American!!! Posted by Emily on Oct 16th, 2015 I believe you are tnialkg about the tee boxes, where you first tee up your ball to hit (your first shot).