Race Driver Grid Recognize Controller Vs Comptroller

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Ok guys for the past two days I've been playing the hell out of both Need for Speed: Shift and Race Driver: Grid. I've been comparing everything from sound, graphics, gameplay, controls and general coolness. I've decided to write a bit of a comparisson piece against both of them Game play Similarities: Both games are about making a career and a name for yourself in the racing community. Both games implement a tier system that you progress through in order to become a better racer. Both games have a 'Final race' to beat to make your name known Differences: Where as Race Driver: Grid grants your access to many different cars right off of the bat, Need For Speed: Shift decides to stick to the upgrade system of cars. As you progress through the game, you unlock more of the 4 tiers and better cars with each level however, unlike Grid, your car is upgradable and can last more then a couple of races.
Grid prefers the 'buy a car per race' style I've noticed and doesn't like to keep the cars for to long. Car upgrades/styling is very minimal as opposed to Shift where you can upgrade rims, paint jobs, and vinyls. In terms of racing, Shift lays the line down, literally. You follow a green, yellow or red line (depending on if you need to accelerate, slow down, or brake) and encourages you to follow the line as you drive for maximum speed and performance. Grid allows more of a free style of racing and lets you choose between your style of racing, depending on if you can adapt to the car you happen to be using at the time.
My Preference: In all honesty, I prefer the arcade and free style of Grid rather then the preset style of Shift. Controls: Both cars allow for a difference of controls and I took several approaches here. Unfortunately, I don't have a racing wheel to try out but I can see the advantages depending on the control style. Grid: The arcade style of grid works well with the Xbox 360 controller and it plays very easily using a keyboard.
Controls feel natural and not overly response. A racing wheel would allow for much more control over the car but I prefer without in this instance. Shift: Laying down a line is all good and everything.if you take into account the system your playing on. Controls here are overly sensitive weather using a 360 controller or the keyboard. The line your supposedly to stay on isn't designed for imprecise controllers like the 360 or the keyboard where it's almost an all or nothing situation.
Controls are very hard to maintain at recommended speeds and I find myself struggling. A racing wheel would easily resolve all of these problems. My preference: Grid by far. Cars are much easier to control. Audio: Both games bring to fashion a LOT of good tracks as well as radio voices.
Grid: Grid brings a lot of voices to you with preset names, teams, race position, and car status all being told to you through certain parts of the race. You have the option of choosing between preset names for yourself or nicknames so you can be told, 'Good job, Mark, your in first place!' Cars sound realistic for what it's worth and music is not present in the races unfortunately. Shift: Cars sound incredibly real and powerful here, I was disseminated that 5.1 sound wasn't available.
Music was somewhat available through tracks but I hardly notice I was so engrossed in passing people. My Preference: In all honesty, Shift takes the win here, I much enjoyed hearing that engine of the Z06 corvette roar as I pressed the pedal to the metal. Graphics Grid: For the time the graphics were actually quite good, stunning and realistic.
Cars look good and reflect the environment. Environments themselves look good and I recognize several tracks from other games (Gran Turismo 4 among others.) Shift: Stunning when turned up however, very hard on a computer, mine has trouble maintaing the fps with everything maxed out.