
Range Rover Air Suspension Manual Override

Range Rover Air Suspension Manual Override 4,0/5 4567reviews

Step by step instructions on installing the air suspension configuration device on your LR3 and Range Rover Sport. Complete with pictures.

Range Rover Air Suspension Manual Override

• • / Suspension System Air Suspension Configuration Device Applies To: Item: 7980 Version 2 For LR3 (L319) & Range Rover Sport (L320) Caution! To understand the different modes of operation and to become familiar with the signals that the module will provide, it is important that you read through these instructions before beginning the suspension configuration. Function and Installation: Requirement: When replacing a dynamic air spring suspension with a coil spring suspension, the EAS (Electronic Air Suspension) ECU (Electronic Control Unit) will generate error messages due to the lack of control of the coil spring suspension.

The device will automatically store the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the first vehicle that it is connected to. It will then be permanently locked to that vehicle. Operational Overview: The Model 7980-V2.0 can operate in two distinct modes, described as follows: A. ReFlash Mode: In Reflash mode, the Model 7980-V2.0 is used to reprogram a few data bytes stored in a handful of the vehicles subsystem control modules. Advantages of ReFlash Mode: 1.The reflashing of the data bytes is relatively quick and easy, and is entirely achieved through the OBD2--Diagnostic connector. 2.No changes to the vehicle wiring or permanent installation of hardware is required.

3.The vehicle can easily be reverted to Air Spring Suspension, if you ever need to do so. 4.Eliminates the 'scrolling' error messages seen on the Instrument Pack.

5.Retains Terrain Response Controls Disadvantages of ReFlash Mode: 1.The RED 'Suspension Error' icon on the Instrument Pack will remain illuminated. In-Line Filter Mode: In In-Line Filter mode, the Model 7980-V2.0 is permanently wired into the vehicles wiring harness, near the EAS ECU. Adobe Reader Jar File Free Download. In this mode the module monitors all of the messages to and from the ECU and dynamically filters out all error messages. Advantages of In-Line Filter Mode: 1.All of the advantages of ReFlash Mode plus the RED 'Suspension Error' icon on the Instrument Pack is disabled. Disadvantages of In-Line Filter Mode: 1.The installation process requires the disassembly of the panels in the drivers side foot well to gain access to the wiring harness near the EAS ECU. Romancero Gitano Tedesco Pdf Editor. The module is then installed by cutting 2 wires in the vehicles wiring harness and splicing the module in place. NOTE: The EAS ECU is located on the left side (driver) of the vehicle for the LR3 (L319) and Range Rover Sport (L320).

It is located on the right side (passenger) on the Range Rover HSE (L322). Installation Overview: To use the Model 7980-V2.0 in ReFlash mode refer to section 'A1' below. To install the Model 7980-V2.0 as an In-Line Filter, skip to section 'B1'. Before You Start: • Ensure that the battery is fully charged. • Ensure the vehicle is in Park / Neutral with the Parking Brake applied. • It is recommended that the headlights are turned off throughout the configuration process.

• Do not start the engine at any point during the configuration process. Installation Procedures: A1 - ReFlash Mode: Locate the Diagnostic Connector (ODBII).

(See Figures 1 & 2). Plug the #7980 device into the Diagnostic socket. (See Figure 3). General Operation Power Up - Turn Ignition On The device powers up automatically when it is inserted into the vehicles diagnostic socket. When the device powers up it will flash the orange LED rapidly. A series of checks will then be performed to ensure that the configuration process can commence.

If these checks pass the device will flash the orange and green LEDs alternately twice a second. The device is now ready to configure the vehicle. Fundamentals Of Biochemical Engineering Rapidshare Download. If the checks do not pass the LEDs will flash alternately.