Serial Checksum Error
Calculating checksums for serial communication. On the other end, the check is made by adding all of the message bytes and the two checksum bytes modulo 255.
I had this issue as well and had to contact TAC. Once I got to the correct engineer it was a 15 min process.
I had support on my TCS in this case however. Below is the process they sent me. Hi Khaled, You can check a few things. I see that you are using a TCS 6. Software Metrics Tool Free. 0.
So I assume it is a 3rd generation TCS server. Can you please check the following: - Access the registries (run the command regedit from Program >Start >run) - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node TANDBERG TCS - This place contains your server serial number and the checksum key and release key. Inkscape Uml Template. Copy these values to a notepad.