
Serial Checksum Error

Serial Checksum Error 5,0/5 679reviews

Calculating checksums for serial communication. On the other end, the check is made by adding all of the message bytes and the two checksum bytes modulo 255.

Serial Checksum ErrorSerial Checksum Error

I had this issue as well and had to contact TAC. Once I got to the correct engineer it was a 15 min process.

I had support on my TCS in this case however. Below is the process they sent me. Hi Khaled, You can check a few things. I see that you are using a TCS 6. Software Metrics Tool Free. 0.

So I assume it is a 3rd generation TCS server. Can you please check the following: - Access the registries (run the command regedit from Program >Start >run) - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node TANDBERG TCS - This place contains your server serial number and the checksum key and release key. Inkscape Uml Template. Copy these values to a notepad.