
Open Pdf In Iframe Passing Byte Data Example

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Open Pdf In Iframe Passing Byte Data ExamplesIframe Passing Parameters

Odd question I know but say one has PDF byte data contained within a hidden field on a page which also has an IFrame on it. Download Free Rawlinsons Handbook Australia Software Engineer. Is there a way of writing the pdf data to the IFrame using JavaScript such that the IFrame will load in the adobe plug-in and display the data? The reason we'd like to do this is that we need the PDF data in the hidden field anyway so if the user clicks a button we can call a Java applet via JS with the data so it writes the PDF byte data to a proprietary system. We'd also like to display the PDF as well. Mindray De Cg 03a Manually. So: • PDF byte data (generated on the server) chucked in the hidden field. • PDF byte data from hidden field written clientside to IFrame by some soon-to-be-discovered-via-the-wonders-of-StackOverflow JS magic and thus displayed.