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Rules • Posts must be relevant to the Moto X. • Spam is not permitted, please report it. • No direct links to software distributed without authorization. That includes free APKs and OS firmware.
• Amazon affiliate/associate/referral links must clearly be labeled as such. • Avoid using URL shorteners. Shortened URLs will be removed at the moderators' discretion. • Don't post information that violates the NDA you agreed to when signing up for the Motorola Feedback Network. • Do not try to sell your phone here. Molecular Operating Environment Installation Art on this page. Please use for that. Note: URL shorteners and Amazon affiliate links get picked up by the spam filter, so they may not appear immediately after you post them.
This is why it is recommended you don't use them. Phone Info The Moto X has been Motorola's flagship Android smartphone since 2013. Paving the way with innovations in hardware and software, Motorola is now onto the 3rd generation of Moto X. The 3rd generation includes two phones, the Moto X Style and the Moto X Play.
Both devices are distinctly different in hardware, but not in software. In the US, the Moto X Style is branded the Moto X Pure Edition, and the Play is not available there. The Pure Edition works on every US carrier, right out of the gate. Best Iphone Wifi Hack Apps. One model, all carriers. Motomaker Motomaker let's you customize the color of your Moto X.